Modern Homoeo


Dealer's identity card

A prestigious identity card is issued to our dealers who are our regular customers and serve the community by and large with homeopathy medicine.

Order via Phone, Mail, Whatsapp & fax

In tandem with the automation, Modern Homoeo accepts bulk orders from its wholesalers over the phone as well as Email & Whatsapp.
Sales No: 8961214138 / 9231521104 / 8961213128
Order Whatsapp No: 9231521104

Pay with credit or debit card

Instead of restricting the business in cash only method, we have diversified our payment gateway with acceptance via Debit Card & Credit cards. This facility reduces the hazard of carrying liquid cash and there by minimizes the chances of monetary theft.

Order online

Order via mobile and web app. Coming shortly.

Customer Care

Please mail us your valuable feedback or any complain if you have.

Order Online

Automated Billing

Personalize service